Our expertise and services
If your organisation has a large rental portfolio of residential property within the UK, and would like to gain the benefits of integrating accessible housing, we can help you to:
Find areas within your portfolio where financial or social benefit could be delivered by including accessible housing in their portfolio. We can produce heat maps of likely demand based on factors such as transport links, frequency of enquiries from potential tenants and availability of appropriate housing stock.
Establish a clear design specification for accessible properties within your portfolio, including "wet room" bathroom design, kitchen units, switches and power sockets, floor plan adjustments to facilitate turning circles and entry/exit arrangements.
Produce a fully researched financial model for investors and financial stakeholders which shows that the prospective returns from the portfolio once it includes accessible housing units will meet or exceed the returns delivered by a portfolio which only includes regular units.
We will market your accessible properties to our network of contacts including large employers, special interest websites relating to accessible needs and a growing database of prospective wheelchair user tenants.​​
Once a tenant is found and throughout the lifecycle of the property, we will work alongside your existing team to ensure strong positive outcomes for your accessible housing tenants and maximise the ESG benefit to your organisation.